An accredited judge for over twenty-five years, Rick Hemmett has officiated at over fifty open and breed shows. He has judged the British Columbia Horse Improvement Show which was formerly held in Cranbrook, British Columbia. And in 2001 he presided over the inaugural “Walkers Go Western Show”, an all-western Tennessee Walking Horse event sponsored by the Alberta Walking Horse Association. Formerly carded with the Appaloosa Horse Club of Canada, Mr. Hemmett has judged most of the approved Appaloosa Shows in Western Canada. Additionally, he has worked countless open shows during his career. Backed by his own personal experience as one of this Nation’s foremost showmen, he is well versed in the showing segment of the industry. He has successfully competed at the Regional, National and Inter-national level and won two 2001 North American Championships in Denver, Colorado. Although semi-retired from judging, Mr. Hemmett still accepts officiating duties at a few regional open shows.
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